Lao Tzu
Career Assessment Tools
Why invest in self-assessment?
- clarify or validate your ideas, dreams, and vision
- identify potential new career paths and occupations
- create focus and direction
- determine and build confidence in your strengths, skills, and natural talents
- create the essence of your message, branding yourself in résumés, cover letters, interviews as well as online and while networking and interviews
- evaluate positions and job offers
Prices listed are all-inclusive:
- assessment tool cost
- one-hour phone appointment
- review and analysis of your results prior to our appointment
- all materials noted
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II:
Recognized as the tool that supports you to “do what you are.” The MBTI is one of the most widely used assessments in the world, taken by more than 15 million people to understand their personality preferences and identify new careers. Discover what feels natural and easy, and what this means for choosing or changing careers. The MBTI Step II goes beyond identifying your 4-letter type: it identifies your degree of preference in 20 distinct areas. You receive: (1) two customized reports; (2) list of careers aligned with your MBTI type; (3) list of career satisfiers; (4) your communication style strengths; (5) your decision-making approach; (6) your approach to managing change and tips for reducing stress.
MBTI Step II: $350SkillScan:
We all have hundreds of skills! This unique, highly-rated tool differentiates itself through a multi-step process that identifies your key skills and your “motivated skills” – those that you excel in and most enjoy using, and the types of skills that burn you out. You receive: (1) customized report focused on your motivated skills; (2) list of 40-60 careers/occupations to consider; (3) ample links for further career exploration and research.
SkillScan: $175Strong Interest Inventory & Skills Confidence Inventory:
One of the most recognized interest-based assessments for determining potential career paths. This tool uses a well-researched and validated system to determine and categorize your interests into six occupational areas. You receive: (1) customized career report listing numerous career paths well-aligned with your key interests, and (2) resource guide providing details on the theoretical model.
Strong Interest Inventory & Skills Confidence Inventory: $175Values Driven Work:
Alignment of your core values with a job, career, and organizational culture that supports the expression and fulfillment of these values is key to your sustained engagement. This hands-on, kinesthetic tool (card sort) supports you in identifying and prioritizing your values in four distinct areas that drive you to excel and are foundational to realizing your sense of purpose: intrinsic values, work content values, work environment values, and work relationship values. You receive: (1) a card deck and personal profile worksheets to record your results and formulate an action plan:
Values Driven Work: $150Total package value: $850.00 – 4 assessments, 4 hours of coaching, plus reports and materials as noted. Discount: $800 - a savings of $50.00.